One concern a lot of PPC marketers may have is your website going down while your Adwords campaigns are running. Even the most reliable web hosts can experience down time and if your ads are still running while your site is down, a lot of money can be wasted and potential customers could leave and never come back.
Bronco released an Ad Pauser script that you can download for free to solve this problem. Note that it does not pause product ads as that functionality is not available in Adwords.
This script performs the following:
1. Checks all ads, keywords and their associated URL’s and marks URL’s with a 404 as “DOWN”
2. Checks all ads marked as “DOWN” and if it is back up, it will unpause the ad and remove the “DOWN” label
3. Emails a summary so you can check which ads are down.
If you are using Adwords to promote your business, then you can download the script here. Full installation instructions are also included in the post: